Great day yesterday whale watching at Slapton and a visit to Thurlestone for the desert wheatear. I have never actually seen any kind of whale before so to see a humpback close into the shore was really exciting. We watched the whale for several hours as it swam back and forth across the bay following shoals of fish. It really was a wonderful sight. Shame some idiots had to keep speeding after it in a boat every time it surfaced. I believe today police have said anyone seen going anywhere near it in a boat will be prosecuted and the area is now being patrolled by fisheries vesssels. Such a shame its necessary. Anyway there were many people watching and enjoying it from the car park and along the shore when we arrived. Everybody was so excited to be seeing it and there was a great friendly atmosphere.
Before Slapton we had made a quick visit to Thurlestone to see the long staying desert wheatear which I hadn't yet seen and is beginning to look rather smart. As we got towards the beach it flew straight across in front of us so there was no problem locating it. It was quite mobile but came quite close and was constantly singing. Sad to think it won't find a mate there.
Back to Slapton and there were plenty of gannets diving in the bay for fish

and a black necked grebe was swimming and diving reasonably close in to the shore. Not a great picture of either though I'm afraid.