Being out and about the last few weeks or so has yielded a few good birds away from my home patch. I've travelled no further than Dartmoor, some Devon Commons and Dorset but as usual there is always plenty to see. Probably the best sighting was this lesser spotted woodpecker that I never thought I'd ever see so close. I won't bore you with all the photos I was able to get but it was a lot!
I haven't been able to see many yellow hammers this years so far so was pleased with this one that sat in this tree singing for a good 10 minutes.
A dartford warbler is always good at any time
as was this beautiful stonechat
There are certainly plenty of linnets around everywhere
and a pair of redstarts were nice too.
The skylarks have been busy
A mandarin
and a buzzard. I do like a buzzard.
Back on patch there was another avocet yesterday and this time it came a bit closer.
There have been plenty of black caps around
and the wheatears have continued to trickle through on Seaton Marshes

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